How old is Lobo (musician)? When is Lobo (musician)'s birthday? Where is Lobo (musician) born? Where did Lobo (musician) grow up from? What's Lobo (musician)'s age?
Lobo (musician) Born: 1943 (age 80years), Tallahassee, FL
How about Lobo (musician)'s instrument?
Lobo (musician) Instrument: Vocals, guitarist
How about Lobo (musician)'s full name?
Lobo (musician) Full name: Roland Kent LaVoie
How old is Lobo singer?
The plaintive ballad "I'd Love You to Want Me" proved to be Lobo's greatest smash success; it soared all the way to #2 on the Billboard pop charts in 1972. Moreover, "I'd Love You to Want Me" was a #1 hit in Germany in 1973 and cracked the UK pop charts at #5 in the middle of 1974.
What music genre is Lobo?
The plaintive ballad "I'd Love You to Want Me" proved to be Lobo's greatest smash success; it soared all the way to #2 on the Billboard pop charts in 1972. Moreover, "I'd Love You to Want Me" was a #1 hit in Germany in 1973 and cracked the UK pop charts at #5 in the middle of 1974.
What nationality is Lobo the singer?
The plaintive ballad "I'd Love You to Want Me" proved to be Lobo's greatest smash success; it soared all the way to #2 on the Billboard pop charts in 1972. Moreover, "I'd Love You to Want Me" was a #1 hit in Germany in 1973 and cracked the UK pop charts at #5 in the middle of 1974.
What was Lobo's biggest hit?
The plaintive ballad "I'd Love You to Want Me" proved to be Lobo's greatest smash success; it soared all the way to #2 on the Billboard pop charts in 1972. Moreover, "I'd Love You to Want Me" was a #1 hit in Germany in 1973 and cracked the UK pop charts at #5 in the middle of 1974.