Scrabble Online game info
Form words using the letter tiles on your rack. Increase your move score by using high-value letters, creating long words, and placing your word on the premium squares (double/ triple letter score, double/ triple word score). Enjoy the ultimate word game experience against a computer opponent with five difficulty levels. Our version of the Scrabble word game is much more interesting than a crossword game or a word search game.
The goal in our version of Scrabble is to score as many points as possible by placing high-value words on the board.
Letter tiles
The English language version is played with 100 letter tiles. Each tile has an amount of points, ranging from 1 point for the most common letters (vowels and L, N, R, T) to 10 points for the most uncommon letters (Q, Z). The amount of times that a letter tile appears also depends on how common it is. The letter E appears 12 times in the 100 tiles, while uncommon letters such as J, K, Q, X, and Z only appear once.
Below is an overview of the letter distribution and the points per letter in English language scrabble:
A: 9x - 1 point
B: 2x - 3 points
C: 2x - 3 points
D: 4x - 2 points
E: 12x - 1 point
F: 2x - 4 points
G: 3x - 2 points
H: 2x - 4 points
I: 9x - 1 point
J: 1x - 8 points
K: 1x - 5 points
L: 4x - 1 point
M: 2x - 3 points
N: 6x - 1 point
O: 8x - 1 point
P: 2x - 3 points
Q: 1x - 10 points
R: 6x - 1 point
S: 4x - 1 point
T: 6x - 1 point
U: 4x - 1 point
V: 2x - 4 points
W: 2x - 4 points
X: 1x - 8 points
Y: 2x - 4 points
Z: 1x - 10 points
Blanks: 2x - 0 points
You can use this letter distribution to come up with a good first guess for the Wordle game.
At the start of the game, each player receives 7 letter tiles on their rack. In our implementation you play against the computer, and you can make the first move.
Each move you can create one word on the board, using the letter tiles on your rack.
The first word has to be placed with one of its letters on the purple star in the middle of the board.
Subsequent words need to be placed adjacent to at least one letter already on the board. Each word that is created with the letters already on the board has to be a valid word as well.
If you are not happy with the letters on your rack, you can swap them with letters from the bag, or you can pass a turn.
On the board, there are multiple premium (special) squares that increase your word score when a letter is placed on them:
- Double Letter square: The letter placed on this square counts double when calculating the word score.
- Triple Letter square: The letter placed on this square counts triple when calculating the word score.
- Double Word square: The word score (including double / triple letter scores) is doubled.
- Triple Word square: The word score (including double / triple letter scores) is tripled.
According to your skill level, you can select the difficulty of your computer opponent from level 1 to level 5.
Game end
When there are no tiles left in the bag and a player empties their rack, the game ends.
The tiles left in the other player’s rack are deducted from their score.
Tips and tricks
- Don't immediately lay out your tiles upon discovering a word you can form! Instead, adopt a two-dimensional approach by strategically placing horizontal words in a manner that allows for the simultaneous formation of one or more vertical words.
- Study as many words as possible with two and three letters. It will make it easier to place a word adjacent to another word. For comprehensive word lists, refer to the website of the Scrabble association of your language.
- The blank tiles do not yield any points, but they hold immense value in the tile bag, as they can yield a significant advantage if utilized effectively. They can be used strategically to form a lucrative two-dimensional play on a bonus square or to play all the tiles on your rack (40 bonus points). Some players establish a minimum threshold of points that they aim to achieve before using their blank tiles (e.g. 30-40 points). A blank can also be used to empty the rack entirely at the end of the game.
- Don't be afraid to swap bad tiles. Take the opportunity to swap all unpleasant letters at the same time. Make sure to keep a good balance between vowels and consonants.
- Use prefixes or suffixes to get extra points from an existing word, e.g. adding -ING or -ED at the end of a word.
- Try to use the bonus squares before your opponent can use them.
- Practice, practice, practice! Our implementation is the perfect practice mode to improve your Scrabble skills for when you play real-world opponents.
Note: SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.
System requirements
Scrabble Online can be played in all modern browsers, on all device types (desktop, tablet, mobile), and on all operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, ...).