COEUR d'ALENE, Idaho (CBS2) — A cow moose and a calf were seen walking through northwestern Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Fish and Game reports.
IDFG got multiple sightings from the moose and her calf in Atlas Road and Kathleen Avenue corridor on Oct. 4.
"Calves are cute and might be perceived as cuddly and innocent," IDFG says. "But don’t be fooled, moose can be extremely unpredictable and dangerous when agitated or threatened."
“A moose cow with a calf is one of the most dangerous animals people can encounter in the Panhandle," said Craig Walker, regional conservation officer.
Moose tend to move to lower elevations during winter, which puts them in city limits. They also like snacking on ornamental trees and shrubs.
IDFG says to avoid feeding them since they'll stick around longer if they get food, increasing the risk of traffic accidents or property damage. People can also hurt moose by giving them the wrong kinds of foods, and feeding the moose might make them aggressive.
"Give them space, and consider taking a photo from the safety of your car or through your home window," IDFG says. "Never approach them, and never attempt to feed or touch them."
If a moose becomes aggressive in town, contact the Idaho Fish and Game office for your region.